Виртуальный кабинет английского языка

Игра – соревнование “BELARUS IS OUR MOTHERLAND”

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 6 класса Игра – соревнование “BELARUS IS OUR MOTHERLAND” Цель: способствовать повышению интереса учащихся к изучению иностранного языка и углублению знаний о родном крае. Задачи: содействовать расширению лексического запаса учащихся, расширению лингвистического кругозора и эрудиции учащихся; способствовать активизации и закреплению лексики по теме “Belarus”, стимулировать активную мыслительную деятельность; создать благоприятные условия для воспитания у учащихся чувства патриотизма; создать условия для формирования умения работать в команде, воспитания чувства взаимопомощи, воспитания культуры общения. . Форма: игра – соревнование Оборудование: раздаточный материал, наглядный материал, музыкальное сопровождение, учетная карточка команд, грамоты и дипломы, шарики, видео о Беларуси, песня “The More We Get Together”. Ход мероприятия Организационно-мотивационный этап. - Good afternoon, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. How are you today? -Now you will watch a short video and try to guess the topic of our event. -Yes, you are right. -Today we are going to have a content “BELARUS IS OUR MOTHERLAND” between two teams. -Our aims: to develop speaking skills, speak about our country and prove that our country is the most beautiful, attractive and hospitable. Речевая разминка. - Do you like your country? - Do you know many English words? - What is the capital of the Republic of Belarus? - What is the population of Minsk? - What is the population of Belarus? - How many regions are there in Belarus? - What are the colours of our national costumes? Основной этап мероприятия. Contest 1. "English proverbs” (Приложение 2) -Each team will get a list of words. You should rearrange the words so as to make up a proverb. You have 3 minutes. (Обе команды получают одинаковый набор слов, из которых должны получиться 2 английские пословицы). 1. There is no place like home. 2. East or West home is best. Contest 2. " Hobbies” -Our next contest is called "Hobbies”. I’ll describe different hobbies. You’ll guess hobbies and write down correct answers. (Учитель зачитывает описание хобби. Команды, прослушав текст, должны записать название в лист ответов (Sport, collecting, gardening, cooking, reading.) 1. This hobby is popular among the people of all ages. People like to go the stadium or to the sports ground. They are strong and cheerful. Their hobby helps them to develop their mind and body and teaches them to plan their time. (Sport.) 2. This hobby is interesting and useful. People try to find or buy different things such as stamps, badges, coins, pictures, dolls, etc. Their collections can be thematic. This hobby helps people to make new friends and to learn some new things about countries and lands, animals and birds, famous people and historical events. (Collecting.) 3. People like to work in the garden and to spend some time in the fresh air. They are fond of flowers, bushes, trees and different kinds of plants. They like nature and admire the beauty of nature. Their hobby is the best way to relax. (Gardening.) 4. People like to make new dishes. They often cook for the family and for their friends. They can present the food nicely and lay the table beautifully. They use spices (vinegar, oil, pepper, etc.) They can boil or fry meat, fish, chicken and make sauсes and desserts. (Cooking.) 5. People like to go to the library. Some of them have a good collection of books at home. And they are really proud of it. They can have different books: fiction, historical novels, books about animals and birds, books about different countries. Their hobby helps them to relax, to learn the world and understand other people better. (Reading.) Contest 3. "Our beautiful country” (Приложение3) - The next contest will show who knows more about Belarus. You should answer 8 questions. We’ll give you 4 minutes for this work. (Учитель раздает вопросы командам. Команды обсуждают и записывают ответы). 1. This bird is a symbol of good luck. (A stork) 2. Which is the largest lake in Belarus? (Lake Naroch) 3. This animal is a symbol of Belarus. (A bison) 4. M. Radzivil- Sirotka built this castle. (Nesvizh castle) 5. This place is famous for the European bison. (Belovezhskaya Pushcha) 6. Name 3 colours of the national flag of Belarus. (Red, white, green) 7.What is the national vegetable of Belarus? (Potatoes) 8. When did Radzivil- Sirotka build his castle? (In the 16th century) Contest 4. “Who is quicker?” This contest is for captains. You should rewrite the sentences in the right order. 1) is / there / stripe / our / a / green / flag / on. 2) Belarusian / are / people / proud / country / their / of. 3) peace / white / the / colour / is / symbol / the /of. 4) has / Belarus / national / its / symbols. Contest 5. “The geography of Belarus” (Приложение 4) -The next contest is called "The geography of Belarus?” Belarus is a very beautiful country. There are a lot of interesting places in Belarus. You have names of regional cities, sights and map of our country. Match and show them on the map. (Учитель раздает командам наглядный материал (названия областных городов, картинки с изображением достопримечательностей и их названия), команды определяют, где на карте Беларуси находятся областные города, в какой области расположены данные достопримечательности.) Физкультминутка. -I see that you are tired. Let’s have a rest. (Учитель называет достопримечательности Беларуси и других стран. Дети хлопают, когда учитель называет достопримечательность Беларуси, встают, когда слышат названия достопримечательностей других стран.) Contest 6. “Letter from Belarus” - I’ve got a letter for your friend from Russia! Look! But there aren’t any words in this letter. Your task is to fill in the gaps with the missing words. Dear friend! We live in Belarus. Our country is not big, but beautiful and clean. The … (1) of Belarus is more than 200 thousand square kilometers. The … (2) of the Republic is Minsk, which is also its largest city. The … (3) of Minsk is about 2 million people. Belarus … (4) its beautiful nature. The symbol of Belovezhskaya Pushcha is … (5). Our people … (6) their country. Belarus is worth visiting. Contest 7. “Who is the best?” (Команды вытягивают вопросы и по очереди задают друг другу.) 1.It is the symbol of Belarusian fields. 2.It is a very big building. You can see a lot of books there. 3.Which is the longest river in Belarus? 4.When was Minsk founded? 5.Where does Belarus lie? 6.What are the national symbols of Belarus? 7.Who is the head of the Republic of Belarus? 8.What are the official languages of Belarus? Рефлексия (синквейн) -Did you like our competition? Belarus Attractive, beautiful To visit, to enjoy, to live We love our country Motherland Подведение итогов. -Our competition is over. Your work was great. I’m happy with your great cooperative work and your good knowledge of English. While our jury is coming to some decisions, now I offer you to listen to the song “The More We Get Together” and sing together. Our jury will add up 1 more point to the score of the team. (награждение). -Our congratulations. Thank you for your work. Good bye!

Урок английского языка в 4 классе по теме «Мой день. Говорение»

Урок английского языка в 4 классе по теме «Мой день. Говорение» Тип урока: комбинированный. Класс: 4 Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных способностей учащихся, содействие составлению рассказа по теме «Мой день». Задачи: • способствовать закреплению лексических единиц по теме «Мой день» в речи; • повторить и закрепить в речи лексические единицы и структуры, используемые для обозначения точного времени; • способствовать закреплению грамматического времени The Present Simple Tense и его использованию для выражения регулярных, привычных действий в настоящем времени. Планируемые результаты: - Предметные результаты: дети научатся рассказывать о своем распорядке дня, употребляя The Present Simple Tense, наречия частотности и точное время. - Личностные результаты: формирование осознанного отношения к своему распорядку дня, здоровому образу жизни. Формирование таких качеств, как целеустремленность, умение работать в команде. Формы организации познавательной деятельности обучающихся: фронтальная, групповая, парная. Оборудование: учебник «Английский язык. 4 класс» (авторы: Лапицкая Л. М. [и др.], Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2019), рабочая тетрадь, раздаточный материал, наглядный материал, музыкальное сопровождение, компьютер, презентация, шестиугольные карточки (гексы) по теме «Мой день». Ход урока I.Организационный этап -Good morning, boys and girls. I'm glad to see you. How are you? I hope everybody is fine. What’s the weather like today? Фонетическая зарядка - I`d like to start our lesson with the song. Song ex. 3, p.71 Речевая разминка -What do you do in the morning? When do you get up in the morning? What do you have for breakfast? etc. II. Проверка выполнения домашнего задания (Ex. 3, p.77, в парах) III. Постановка цели и задач. Мотивация учебной деятельности. (Учитель подводит учащихся к открытию темы урока через картинки на слайде) -Look at the screen and guess the topic of our lesson. The topic of our lesson is “My Day” (слайд 1) - Today we`ll speak about your day, what you do every day and at what time. IV.Основной этап урока. 1).Совершенствование лексических навыков. Отвечают на вопрос - First of all let`s revise our lexical material. - What time is it? (слайд 2-7) 2).Развитие умений восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух. Развитие навыков чтения. Ex.1a,1b, p.78-79 Предтекстовый этап. - Look at the picture. It is Carol. Carol is a little owl. She speaks about her night. - Let`s listen this text and match the pictures to the clocks. Текстовый этап. -Listen this text and find three mistakes in it. Послетекстовый этап. -Read correct sentences. -Imagine that you are Carol. (Ex. 1c p. 80). Choose the right answer. V.Физкультминутка. - You will show activities you do every day (учитель использует лексику по теме) VI. Развитие навыков говорения. (Present Simple) 1). Активизация лексики. Совершенствование навыков говорения. (на доске прикреплены шестиугольные карточки (гексы) со словами My day, morning, afternoon, evening: (учащиеся по очереди прикрепляют гексы с действиями, которые они выполняют утром, в обед или вечером, и составляют предложения.) E.g. I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. 2). Составляют рассказ по теме (развитие навыков монологической речи). VII. Объяснение домашнего задания (задание разного уровня трудности на выбор учащихся) -Now open your diaries and write down your home task for the next lesson. 1.Ex 3a, p.81. Make questions to the interview about your day. 2.WB ex.4, p.60 2. WB ex.1c, p. 57-58 VIII.Подведение итогов. Рефлексия. Выставление оценок. Учитель просит учащихся высказать свое мнение о том, понравился ли урок. -Let’s remember… What theme of our lesson was? What did we do during our lesson? Прием «Яблоня и яблоки». -You have worked very well. Your marks today…. -Our lesson is over. See you tomorrow.

Грамматические задания по темам : " Articles"."Plural Form"."Pronouns"


Level 1. V1.

1.This is ….banana.

  1. a) a b) an       c)the         d) 0

2). This is ….carrot.

a)a          b) an        c)the       d) 0

3).This is ….onion.

  1. a) a b) an        c) the      d)0

4).These are ….tomatoes.

  1. a) a b)an c) the      d)0

5).These are ….apricots.

  1. a) a b) an c)the        d) –

6). This is …taxi. ….taxi is red.

  1. a) a, an b) an the c)a, the    d)-

7). I don’t like ….butter.

a)a           b)an            c) the       d) –

8).Pass me …salt, please.

a)a            b)an            c)the        d) –

9).There is ….orange in the box.

a)a               b)an            c)the       d) –

10).There is ….clock on the wall.

a)a               b)an            c) the       d) –

11).There are ….books on the shelf.

  1. a) a b)an c)the       d) –

12)….book on the table is interesting.

  1. a) a b) an c) the     d) –

13).He was born in ….small Russian town.

  1. a) a b) an c) the       d) –

14)…..Petrovs  are our friends.

  1. a) a b) an c) the      d) –

15)….tea is cold.

a)a                        b)the       c)-

16).On ….Monday we open at 9 o’clock.

  1. a) a b) the c)-

17)…..English are polite.

  1. a) a b) the c) -

18).It was cold today.

  1. a) a b) the        c) -

19)…..Mississipi is the longest river in the USA.

  1. a) a b) the c) -

20)….Jack London is a well-known  American writer.

  1. a) a b) the c)-




Level 1. V2.

1) This is----dog.

a).a,      b).the,         c).an,         d).-

2) This is….egg.

a).a,         b).the,           c).an,         d).-

3) This is …cabbage….cabbage is big.

a).a, the,       b).the, an,        c).a, an,  d).-

4) Do you like ….milk?

  1. a) a b) the c) an           d) -

5).There is ….rug.

  1. a) a b) the c) an          d) -

6).There are ….chairs in the room.

a)a            b) the          c)an        d)-

7).Is there ….water in the bottle.

  1. a) a, b) the, c) an,               d) -

8)We go for a walk on …Sunday

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

9) Выберите правильный вариант.

1) a) a apple     b) an apple

2) a) a pear        b) an pear

3) a) a flour        b) an flour      c) flour

10) He lives in…England

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

11) …Peter lives Wales

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

12) My house is near…supermarket.

  1. a) a b) the c)-

13) Ice-cream is made of … milk and sugar.

  1. a) a b) the c)an,          d)-

14) What … nice girl!

  1. a) a b) the c)-

15) We shall meet in … hour.

  1. a) a b) the c) an       d) -

16) … Browns have got a small house.

  1. a) a b) the c) an            d)-

17)  What … chance!

  1. a) a b) the c) an        d) -

18) Take … apple, please.

  1. a) a b) the c) an          d)-

19) I am … teacher and she is a writer.

  1. a) a b) the c) an           d) -

20) Buy a lot of … bread

  1. a) a b) the c) an         d) –




Level 2. V1.

  1. Have you got … sister?
  2. a) a b) the c)an          d)-

2.Give me … bottle of milk.

  1. a) a b) the  c) an        d) -
  2. … moon was down.
  3. a) a b) the c) an          d)-
  4. I like to play…piano.

a)a           b) the            c) -

  1. He likes to play…football.
  2. a) a b) the     c) -
  3. I go to the park after…breakfast.

a)a            b) the            c)-

  1. … red is my favourite colour.
  2. a) a  b) the             c)-
  3. …sun is shining.
  4. a) a b) the c) an      d) -
  5. Let’s go to… theatre.
  6. a) a        b) the             c)-
  7. They are at … school.
  8. a) a b) the   c)-
  9. Would you like…cup of…coffee.

a)a; a             b)a; -         c)a; the

  1. Every summer they went to …France
  2. a) a; b) the;            c)-
  3. …Elbrus is the highest peak.
  4. a) a;  b) the;    c)-
  5. There were a lot of people on …Trafalgar Square.
  6. a) a; b) the;           c)-  
  7. One of the oldest universities is … Cambridge University.
  8. a) a; b) the;             c)-
  9. The liner crossed … Atlantic Ocean in seven days.
  10. a) a; b) the;           c)-
  11. … Tverskaya Street is the central street of Moscow.
  12. a) a; b) the;            c)-
  13. You usually have … breakfast at 8.
  14. a) a; b) the;           c)-
  15. What is … British Museum famous for?
  16. a) a; b) the;                c)-
  17. What … clever boy!
  18. a) a; b) the; c)-





Level 2. V2.

1.Nature is so beautiful in … winter

  1. a) a; b) the; c)-

2….Pacific Ocean.

  1. a) a; b) the; c)-


  1. a) a; b) the; c)-

4….. Lake Baikal.

  1. a) a; b) the; c)-
  2. …Moscow State University
  3. a) a; b) the; c)-
  4. … London Airport.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. … Urals.
  2. a) a; b) the;    c)-
  3. …Sahara.
  4. a) a; b) the; c)-
  5. … Bolshoi Theatre
  6. a) a; b) the; c)-
  7. A bottle of … water.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. A piece of … cheese.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. … Caucasus.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. To be at … home.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. To go to … bed.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. Learn by … heart.
  2. a) a; b) the; c)-
  3. Admiral Nelson
  4. a) a; b) the; c)-
  5. … King Albert.
  6. a) a; b) the; c)-
  7. …painter Turner.
  8. a) a; b) the; c)-
  9. Life was different when he was … President.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. …January, … February.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-




Level 3. V1.

  1. I usually have a cup of coffee for … breakfast.
  2. a) a ; b) the; c)-
  3. I have forgotten about … supper again.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. … National Gallery.
  2. a) a; b) the; c)-
  3. At … Heathrow airport.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. … Hillton Hotel.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. In … Tate Gallery.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. …first of September.

a)a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. Travellers went to … North.
  2. a) a; b) the; c)-
  3. From … morning till night.
  4. a) a; b) the; c)-
  5. In … spring.
  6. a) a; b) the; c)-
  7. By … bus.
  8. a) a; b) the; c)-
  9. Tom didn’t go to … work yesterday.
  10. a) a; b) the; c)-
  11. Have … look at the sky.
  12. a) a; b) the; c)-
  13. To study … mathematics.
  14. a) a; b) the; c)-
  15. They like to play … tennis.

a )a;   b) the;    c)-

  1. We get … tea mostly from …China and …Ceylon

a)-; -      b)-; the

  1. What … good children!
  2. a) a; b) the; c)-
  3. What … fantastic dress!
  4. a) a; b) the; c)-
  5. At … night.
  6. a) a; b) the; c)-
  7. …Alaska is the biggest state in … USA
  8. a) the; the b)-; the c)-;  -







Level 3. V2.

  1. This is … my friend.
  2. a) a; b) the; c)-
  3. I have no … friends.
  4. a) a; b) the; c)-
  5. We shall go there at … quarter past six.
  6. a) a; b) the; c)-
  7. In … day we’ll be in Moscow.
  8. a) a; b) the; c)-
  9. Have … good time.
  10. a) a; b) the; c)-
  11. … seen is rising.
  12. a) a; b) the; c)-
  13. … London University.
  14. a) a; b) the; c)-
  15. … University of Chicago.
  16. a) a; b) the; c)-
  17. I often read…”Times”.
  18. a) a; b) the; c)-
  19. … “ Arguments and Facts” – popular in Russia.
  20. a) a; b) the; c)-
  21. My favourite group is ….“ Beatles”.
  22. a) a; b) the; c)-
  23. But I also like the songs of … “ABBA”
  24. a) a; b) the; c)-
  25. … Olympic Games.
  26. a) a; b) the; c)-
  27. … Wimbledon Tennis.
  28. a) a; b) the; c)-
  29. Tourists often do the shopping in … Oxford Street.
  30. a) a; b) the; c)-
  31. … Opera House.
  32. a) a; b) the; c)-
  33. … United Nations.
  34. a) a; b) the; c)-
  35. … Nato.
  36. a) a; b) the; c)-
  37. … Green peace.
  38. a) a; b) the; c)-
  39. … “Today” (газета)
  40. a) a; b) the;    c)-





Level 3. V3

1 .  Have…good time.

  1. a) a; b) the; c)-
  2. To make … mistake.
  3. a) a; b) the; c)-
  4. To have … rest.
  5. a) a; b) the; c)-
  6. What … chance!
  7. a) a; b) the; c)-
  8. It’s such … great day!
  9. a) a; b) the; c)-
  10. In … morning.
  11. a) a; b) the; c)-
  12. For … tea.
  13. a) a; b) the; c)-
  14. to … east.
  15. a) a; b) the; c)-
  16. At … market.
  17. a) a; b) the; c)-
  18. In … winter.
  19. a) a; b) the; c)-
  20. … tenth form.
  21. a) a; b) the; c)-
  22. In such … case.
  23. a) a; b) the; c)-
  24. Do you speak … English?
  25. a) a; b) the; c)-
  26. We learn … English language.
  27. a) a; b) the; c)-
  28. To play … chess.
  29. a) a; b) the; c)-
  30. To play … guitar.
  31. a) a; b) the; c)-
  32. It was … late autumn.
  33. a) a; b) the; c)-
  34. … autumn of 1993 was very warm.
  35. a) a; b) the; c)-
  36. What do you usually in … autumn?
  37. a) a; b) the; c)-
  38. … day and … night.
  39. a) a; b) the; c)-
  40. … day after … day.

a)-; -;  b)a; the   c)a; a

  1. He workes like … slave.
  2. a) a; b) the; c)-
  3. I am as busy as … bee.
  4. a) a; b) the; c)-
  5. To be as poor as … church mouse.
  6. a) a; b) the; c)-
  7. To be white, as … snow.
  8. a) a; b) the; c)-
  9. Don’t take it close to … heart.
  10. a) a; b) the;  c)-
  11. Never speak to children in … rude way, or they will answer you in the same way.
  12. a) a; b) the; c)-
  13. A bar of … chocolate.
  14. a) a; b) the; c)-
  15. A sense of … humour.
  16. a) a; b) the; c)-
  17. By … mistake.
  18. a) a; b) the; c)-



Level 3. V4

  1. This trip costs … lot of money
  2. a) a; b) the; c)-
  3. What … surprise!
  4. a) a; b) the; c)-
  5. What …… shame!
  6. a) a; b) the; c)-
  7. Have … look at the sky.
  8. a) a; b) the; c)-
  9. … Panama Canal connects … Atlantic and … Pacific Oceans.
  10. a) the; -; -; b)the; the; the c)-; -; -;
  11. He lives in … north of Africa.
  12. a) a; b) the; c)-
  13. The pupil showed …Europe, …Asia,…North and South America on the map.
  14. a) the; the; the ; the b)-; -; the; the c)-; -; -; -
  15. They stayed at … Marine Hotel
  16. a) a; b) the; c)-
  17. At … Tretyakov gallery.
  18. a) a; b) the; c)-
  19. He entered … Oxford University.
  20. a) a; b) the; c)-
  21. They like to walk on … Broadway.
  22. a) a; b) the; c)-
  23. … Niagara Falls.
  24. a) a; b) the;   c)-
  25. … Niagara River.
  26. a) a; b) the; c)-
  27. … goat Island.
  28. a) a; b) the; c)-
  29. … Aleutian Islands.
  30. a) a; b) the; c)-
  31. …St. Basil’s Cathedrol
  32. a) a; b) the; c)-
  33. … Trinity Church.
  34. a) a; b) the; c)-
  35. … Nobel Prize
  36. a) a; b) the; c)-
  37. Winter Palace.
  38. a) a; b) the; c)-
  39. We met on … Sunday.
  40. a) a; b) the; c)-
  41. I prefer … French than … German.

a)-; -;   b)the; the;   c)-; the

  1. … greatest writer.
  2. a) a; b) the; c)-
  3. …Aunt Polly.
  4. a) a; b) the; c)-
  5. … Mercury.
  6. a) a; b) the; c)-



Final Test. Articles.

1.I have ….lot of English books.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

2) His father is …old.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

3)She is …architect.

  1. a) an, b) the c) –

4) My brothers are …students.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

5) I am …artist.

  1. a) an b) the c)-

6) These are …interesting books.

  1. a) an, b) the c) –

7) That is …good plan.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

8) The keys are on ….table.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

9)…my article is good.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

10)Shall I close … the window?

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

11)There is … map on the wall.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

12)Give me …your pen.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

13)What colour is …floor in your room?

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

14)Give me …some clean water, please?

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

15)This is …English textbook.

  1. a) an, b) the c) –

16) These are ……. Foreign magazines.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

17)My neighbour is …photographer.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

18)She lives on …top floor of an old house.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

19)He is …vegetarian.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

20)On …Sundays my father stays in bed till 5 o’clock.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

21)I’d like to see …Mr. Smith.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

22)I have …hour and a half for lunch.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

23)Were John and Mary …cousins?

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

24)Peter thinks that this is quite …cheap restaurant.

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

25)Is Lisbon the capital of …Portugal?

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

26)Is Malta in …Mediterranean?

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

27)Where is …Sahara Desert?

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

28)What is the biggest Island in …Greece?

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

29)Are elephants bigger than …alligators?

  1. a) a, b) the c) –

30)Is …Everest the highest mountain in the world?

  1. a) a, b) the c) –



Plural Form.

Множественное число существительных.

Level 1. V 1.

1.Дайте множественное число следующих существительных.

A boy, a car, a thing, a room, a book, a hat, a stamp, a coat, a watch, a story, a hero, a piano.

  1. Определите, являются ли следующие существительные исчисляемыми или неисчисляемыми.

Idea, magazine, knowledge, picture, coffee, ocean, bread, sheep, fish, news.

  1. Выберите нужное слово.

1) This is (an apple/apples)

2) These are (a tomato/tomatoes)

3) There is (books/ a book) on the table.

4) That is a clever (man/men)

  1. Соотнесите слова.

1) mouse                          a) teeth

2) goose                           b) men

3) Sheep                           c) heroes

4) foot                              d) geese

5) tooth                            e) dresses

6) woman                         f) children

7) man                              g) sheep

7) child                             h) woman

9) a hero                           i) feet

10) a dress                        j) mice

Plural Form.

Множественное число существительных.

Level 1. V 2.

  1. Дайте множественное число следующих существительных.

A toy, a fox, a dish, a place, a glass, a cherry, a bench, a pen, an apricot, an eye.

  1. Определите, являются ли следующие существительные исчисляемыми или неисчисляемыми.

Tea, pudding,

 Oranges, potatoes, scones, sugar, water, a boy, chocolate, jam.

  1. Выберите нужное слово.

1) There are (a pen/pens) on the able.

2) Is there (a café/cafes) near your school?

3) How many (a pupil/pupils) are there in your class.

4)It is my brother’s (computer/computers)

  1. Выберите пары из данных слов.

Milk, tables, cat, woman, gardens, table, milk, cats, deer, wolves, fox, foxes, deer, wolf.



Plural Form.

Множественное число существительных.

Level 2. V 1.

  1. Составь 2 колонки: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. Переведи.

Tea, porridge, mice, game, fruit, oranges, hair, eyes, glass, dog.

  1. Дайте множественное число существительных.

A mouse, a sheep, a swine, a fox, a shelf, a woman, a tooth, a crisis, a deer, a dress, a potato.

  1. Измените предложения по образцу.

Образец: This is a fast train.- These are fast trains.                

                That is a clever man.- Those are clever men.

1)This is a pretty woman.-

2)This is a nice present.-

3)That is a wonderful park.-

4)That is the best actor of the heater.-

  1. Найдите лишнее слово.

Crises, wolves, deer, pigs, a deer, men, foxes, mice, feet, children.



Plural Form.

Множественное число существительных.

Level 2. V 2.

  1. Составь 2 колонки: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. Переведи.

Weather, meat, cat, information, horse, cereal, scones, cabbages, cornflakes, coffee, money.

  1. Дайте множественное число существительных.

A pair, a letter, a girl, a see, a fish, a tomato, a zero, a roof, a woman, a basis.

  1. Измените предложения по образцу.

Образeц: this-these, that-those, there is-there are.

  • There is a fish in aquarium.
  • There is a mistake in the text.
  • That is  the best pupil in our school.
  • This is a thrilling film.
  1. Найдите лишнее слово.

Oxen, tigers, apples, soup, books, cats, lamps, flowers, bags, houses


Plural Form.

Множественное число существительных.

Level 3. V 1.

  1. There a five_______ and fifteen ______ in the basket.
  2. a) apples, plumes b) apples, plums          c) appls, plums      d) apples, plumes
  3. Peter has two ________.
  4. a) childs b) childrens c) childes             d) children

III. Do _______ clean their ________?

  1. a) mousse, tooth b) mice, toths              c) mice, teeth           d) mousse, teeth
  2. IV. Дайте множественное число следующих существительных.

A life, a leaf, a datum, an ox, a phenomenon, a mother-in-law, a swine, a half, a Chinese.

  1. V. Образуйте единственное число существительных в следующих предложениях, сделав все необходимые изменения.

1) Men who drink and drive are criminals.

2) House keepers must be economical.

3) Secretaries should know computers and languages.

4) Politicians must be good leaders and speakers.

5) Films are very interesting.


Plural Form.

Множественное число существительных.

Level 3. V 2.

  1. How many _______ have two ________ got?
  2. a) wifes, mans b) wifes, mens c) wives, man           d) wives, men
  3. Mike needs five ________ of _________ for his party.
  4. a) boxes, potatoes b) boxes, potato c) boxes, potatoes       d) boxes, potatos

III. There are many ______ in the library.

  1. a) dictionarys b) dictionaries c) dictionaryes        d) dictionares
  2. IV. Дайте единственное число существительных.

Mice, fathers-in-law, data, crises, chefs, Englishmen, teeth, swine, halves, lives, pigs.

  1. V. Образуйте единственное число существительных в следующих предложениях, сделав все необходимые изменения.

1) Partners should be honest people.

2) Hours passed before the police came.

3) I can see sheep in the field.

4) There are geese in the pond.


Plural Form. Test.

  1. I can’t find my spectacles. Where _____ they?
  2. a) is b) are
  3. His advice _______ forgotten.
  4. a) was b) were
  5. Good news _______ always welcome.
  6. a) is b) are
  7. There _______ not much furniture in this room.
  8. a) is b) are
  9. Where ______ the money? I put in into the drawer.
  10. a) is b) are
  11. Sheep ______ grass-eating animals.
  12. a) is b) are
  13. Mathematics _______ his favourite subject.
  14. a) is b) are
  15. The girls hair _______ golden-brown.
  16. a) were b) was
  17. Woman _______always right.
  18. a) is b) are
  19. My teeth _______ not white. I am afraid.
  20. a) is b) are
  21. I’m glad that the news________ good.
  22. a) is b) are
  23. Ten sheep _________ grazing in the field.
  24. a) is b) are
  25. The watch ________ made of gold.
  26. a) is b) are
  27. Neither Ann nor Brett ______ interested.
  28. a) is b) are
  29. The coach, together with all his assistants, ______ released.
  30. a) were b) was
  31. Jessica is one of those girls who ________ very clever.
  32. a) is b) are
  33. His coat and hat ________ missing.
  34. a) was b) were
  35. His friend and adviser ______ Mr.Smith.
  36. a) was b) were
  37. Fish and chips ________ become a popular fast-food item.
  38. a) has b) have
  39. Volumes 1 and 3 of the encyclopedia ________ missing.
  40. a) was b) were 



Level 1. V1.

  1. Эта роза
  2. a) That b) those    c) this
  3. Та комната
  4. a) That b) those c) this
  5. Эти птицы
  6. a) That b) those c) this
  7. Тот стол
  8. a) That b) those c) this
  9. There are … cheese on the plate.
  10. a) some b) any

6.Give me … water, please

  1. a) some b) any
  2. Is there … bread in the bread bin?
  3. a) some b) any
  4. You can read … in that book.
  5. a) everything b)everybody
  6. I bought … books.
  7. a) any b) some c) anything
  8. I cleaned …Shoes
  9. a) my b)our

11.They like … jobs.

  1. a) our b) their
  2. I wash … hair every week
  3. a) my b) I
  4. This book is very old. …. Pages are yellow.
  5. a) it b) its
  6. ( Your, yours) problem is ( my, mine) problem.
  7. It is not … house. …. is bigger.

( their, theirs)

  1. Where are my shoes? I can’t find….
  2. a) they b)them
  3. Tim always thinks about Mary. He loves ….
  4. a) she b) her
  5. Look at those people. They are ….. friends.

a)our    b)ours

  1. There is a mouse under the table. I can see……

a)at     b)its




Level 1. V2.

  1. Эти стулья
  2. a) that b) these c) this
  3. Эта девочка
  4. a) that b) these c) this

3.Тот стул

  1. a) that b) those c) this
  2. There are ….apples in the basket.
  3. a) some b) any
  4. Are there ….eggs in the box?
  5. a) some b) any
  6. На столе нет никаких книг.
  7. a) no books b)nothing books c) no any books
  8. Did she ask … to help you?
  9. a) somebody b) anybody
  10. You can buy…. here.
  11. a) everything b) nothing     c) anything
  12. …knows this news
  13. a) everyone b) everybody    c)everything
  14. We have (мало) friends
  15. a) a few b) a little   c) few
  16. Meet Mr.Bean. He is a friend of …

      a)our    b)ours

  1. Are you hands warm? … are cold.
  2. a) mine b)my
  3. Will you give me … book?
  4. a) your b) yours
  5. Sally never drinks coffee. She hates…..
  6. a) it b) its
  7. This is my house. Do you like …?
  8. a) it b) him
  9. Margaret is talking to you. Listen to ….
  10. a) she b)her
  11. Hello! Is…. at home?
  12. a) nobody b) anybody




Level 1.

Who, which, what, that

  1. A bus-driver is a person…drives a bus.
  2. a) Who b) which
  3. This is the boy…told me the news.
  4. a) Who b) which
  5. The pen… you took is mine.
  6. a) Who b) which
  7. This is the Eiffel Tower…is in Paris.
  8. a) Who b) which
  9. I live in a new house… was built 2 years ago.
  10. a) Who b) that
  11. The new house in … I live was built 2 years ago.
  12. a) Which b) that
  13. She has read the book… I bought yesterday.
  14. a) Which b) Who
  15. I did everything… I had to do.
  16. a) Which b) that
  17. I didn’t buy anything because I didn’t see… I wanted.
  18. a) what b) which
  19. He told me… he wanted to buy a new coat.
  20. a) what b) that
  21. I am sure … you say is true.
  22. a) what b) that
  23. Look at the told man … is standing near the window.
  24. a) Who b) that
  25. He is the man … will help you.
  26. a) Who b) which
  27. I don’t want to know … they are talking about.
  28. a) what b) which
  29. Don’t you know … he is leaving on Friday morning?
  30. a) what b) that 


Level 2.

Who, which, what, that

  1. A good pupil is the one … works hard.
  2. a) whose b) what c) who
  3. This is the coat …. I bought in London
  4. a) which b) whose c) what
  5. A non-smoker is someone … doesn’t smoke
  6. a) which b) who c) whose
  7. Show me … you have got in your hand.
  8. a) what b) which
  9. Ann says …. she has read the book.
  10. a) that b) what c) who
  11. Give me the book ….. I’ve taken from the library.
  12. a) whom b) who c) that
  13. My father…..a person……I can rely on.
  14. a) whom b) who c) that
  15. Tom is a person …. we can trust.
  16. a) whom b) who c) that
  17. A good dancer is the one ….. dancing is nice.
  18. a) what b) whose c) who
  19. The day was …. exciting!
  20. a) such b) so
  21. It’s …. an original idea.
  22. a) such b) so
  23. His health is …. poor.
  24. a) such b) so
  25. What ….. questions have you got?
  26. a) another b) the other c) other
  27. Some people like apples, …. prefer bananas.
  28. a) others b) the others c) the other
  29. I don’t like this book. Give me …. one.
  30. a) another b) the other c) other




Much / a little/ little

Many / a few/ few

Level 1

  1. There are …..apples on the plate.
  2. a) many b) much
  3. There is ……milk in the bottle.
  4. a) many b) much
  5. There is ….. tea in the teapot.
  6. a) many b) much
  7. We have …. bread, please. Go and buy some.
  8. a) many b) few
  9. ….. people know to do it well. It is so difficult.
  10. a) few b) a few
  11. I am afraid I have …. money left.
  12. a) few b) little
  13. I have …… interesting books. You can choose any.
  14. a) a few b) a little
  15. This time there are …. mistakes in your dictation.
  16. a) less b) fewer
  17. У нас есть небольшая надежда.
  18. a) not big b) a little
  19. Could you give me (немного) water?
  20. a) some b) a little c) little
  21. У них мало времени.
  22. a) a little b) a lot of c) plenty of    d) little
  23. Несколько вопросов.
  24. a) few b) any c) a few
  25. How …. time does it take you to get there?
  26. a) many b) a lot of c) much
  27. We have …. lessons on Friday, than on Monday.
  28. a) less b) few c) fewer
  29. John made so …. mistakes that he came the top in the exam.
  30. a) few b) a few c) little    d) a little 


Much / a little/ little

Many / a few/ few

Level 2

1.There are oranges in the box.

  1. a) many b) much
  2. There is …. water in the kettle.
  3. a) many b) much
  4. We have …. interest in this work than you.
  5. a) little b) less c) small
  6. This season we have …. fruit than last year.
  7. a) many b) much c) more
  8. We have ( мало) friends?
  9. a) few b) a few c) little   
  10. They have (немного) time.
  11. b) a few c) little d) a little
  12. This is too …. sugar in the tea. It is too sweet.
  13. a) many b) much c) a little

Укажите правильные варианты

  1. Is there little light in your flat?
  2. There are a little milk in the saucepan
  3. Are there a many spoons on the table.
  4. There are a large number of cups in the shop.
  5. Have you many work to do today?
  6. We have plenty of free time in summer.
  7. There is not much snow in the streets today.
  8. There are a little milk in the saucepan.
  9. I am a bit tired.



Level 3

  1. I have …. time.
  2. a) little b) a lot of c) many    d) few
  3. She wanted to tell me …. interesting.
  4. a) somebody b) something c) some     d) somewhere
  5. I think I have met her ….
  6. a) somebody b) something c) some     d) somewhere
  7. …. knocked at the door.
  8. a) somebody b) some
  9. There wasn’t …. in the garden.
  10. a) some people b) anybody    c) any people
  11. …. in my class knows him.
  12. a) all b) all pupils c) everyone
  13. I think he know …. about it.
  14. a) anybody b) someone c) something
  15. Whose bag is it?
  16. a) theirs b) he c) ours    d) her
  17. Does John know …. about our plans?
  18. a) anything b) something c) every
  19. Whose sister is Kate? Kate is …. sister.
  20. a) ours b) theirs c) her
  21. He left …. for you.
  22. a) anything b) something c) nothing   
  23. That hat is ….
  24. a) ours b) theirs c) his
  25. Did he tell you …. interesting?
  26. a) anything b) any c) some

Pronouns. Final test 1.

Test 1.

  1. She lost … way.
  2. a) she; b) her;  c) his.
  3. The cat was playing with … tail.
  4. a) its; b) her;  c) his.
  5. Have you brought … dictionary with you?
  6. a) yours; b) your;  c) you.
  7. We like … new radio
  8. a) our; b) ours;  c) us.
  9. The manager has just made … report
  10. a) him; b) his;  c) he.
  11. You seem t like your pet move then …
  12. a) I; b) mine;  c) me.
  13. …new coal is very nice.
  14. a) mine; b) me;  c) my.
  15. The sent the invitation to the Browns and …
  16. a) we; b) us;   c) ours.
  17. He sent the book to John and … sister.
  18. a) he; b) him; c) his.
  19. This is strictly between you and …
  20. a) my; b) mine  c) me.
  21. The delegates stood on … feet.
  22. a) their; b)they;  c) theirs.
  23. The guilty one is… .
  24. a) he; b)him;  c)his.
  25. It might have been… .

     a)I;  b)me;  c)mine.

  1. Was it… who left the note?

     a)their;  b)them;  c) they.

  1. Her sister is as tall as … .
  2. a) she; b)her;  c)hers.
  3. I am is good at math as … .

      a)him;  b)his;  c)hers.

  1. You are mach quicker at his game then … .]

       a)us;  b)we;  c)ours.

  1. The three of us – Harry, Ann and … went together.

      a)I;  b)mine;  c)me.

  1. I made this dress… .

      a)me;  b)mine;  c)myself.

  1. John… built he canoe.

      a)him;  b)himself;  c)his.

  1. My wife and … are glad to meet you.

      a)I;  b)me;  c)myself.

  1. The dog lost … collar.

       a)his;  b) her;  c)its.

  1. Their children don’t behave as well as … do.

       a)our;  b)ours;  c)us.

  1. Our flat is as large as … .

        a)their;  b)them;  c)theirs.

  1. She pulled … by his sleeve.

       a)he;  b)him;  c)his.



Pronouns. Final test 2.


  1. Have you ….. to drink?
  2. a) anything b) something c) somebody
  3. There are (несколько учебников)
  4. a) any b) some
  5. Можно еще кофе?
  6. a) any more b) some more
  7. There is ….. wrong with the printer.
  8. a) anything b) something c) nothing   
  9. ….. can stop him when he is in love.
  10. a) anybody b) somebody c) nobody
  11. There are …. pencils in the drawer. Take one.
  12. a) a lot of b) few     c) a little
  13. Do you speak ….. foreign languages.
  14. a) any b) some c) no
  15. Could you give me ….. tomatoes.
  16. a) any b) some c) no
  17. Do you speak English?-Just …..
  18. a) a little b) much c) no
  19. Autumn has come. I like ….. beauty.
  20. Sally and I like Maths. It’s …..favourite subject.
  21. Is this money ( him, his) or ( her, hers)?
  22. We look after ( their, theirs) children.
  23. I often eat fish. I love…..
  24. This is my watch I bought….. yesterday.

16.Thank you ….. much.

  1. a) so b) such
  2. The flowers are ….. beautiful
  3. a) so b) such
  4. There are …. beautiful flowers.
  5. a) so b) such
  6. She was not ….. young as he thought.
  7. a) so b) such
  8. I have never seen ….. an interesting film.
  9. a) so b) such













Тексты для чтения с заданиями, 3-8 классы

Тест по чтению для 3 класса.

Тема: Family.

This is Rose. She's ten. She has got a big family. Rose has got a dad, a mum, two sisters, two brothers, a granny and a grandad. This is her dad. His name is Sam. This is her mum. Her name is Liz. These are her sisters. Their names are Pam and Lolly. These are her brothers. Their names are Tim and Bim. This is her granny. Her name is Susie. This is her grandad. His name is Tom.

Задания к тексту 1.

Упражнение 1. Подбери к русским словам английские слова из текста.

  • десять —
  • семья —
  • дедушка —
  • бабушка —
  • сестры —

Упражнение 2. Дополни предложения в соответствии с текстом.

  1. She has got а …
  2. Rose has got a dad, a mum, two…
  3. This is her mum. Her…
  4. These are her brothers. Their…
  5. This is her grandad. His…

Упражнение 3. Выбери и обведи номера предложений, которые соответствуют тексту.

  1. This is Rose.
  2. She is eight.
  3. Rose's dad is Sam.
  4. Pam and Lolly are Rose's sisters.
  5. Rose has got a granny. 

Упражнение 4. Ответь на вопросы в соответствии с текстом.

  1. How old is Rose?
  2. Has she got a family?
  3. What is her dad's name?
  4. What are her brothers' names?
  5. What is her grandad's name?

Упражнение 5. Дай краткие ответы на вопросы.         

  1. Have you got a family? —
  2. Have you got a granny? —
  3. Have you got three brothers? —
  4. Have you got a mum? —
  5. Have you got five sisters? — 

Тест по чтению для 3 класса.

Тема: Holidays

At the party

It's a carnival time. We are at the party. We have got funny costumes. Kate is a star. Jack is a parrot. Tom is a clown. Jill is a cat. The music is nice. The children can dance. The children can play and sing. Are we happy? Yes, we are very happy.

Задания к тексту 2.

Упражнение 1. Подбери к русским словам английские слова из текста.

  • карнавал
  • вечеринка
  • костюмы
  • звезда
  • музыка  

Упражнение 2. Выбери и обведи номера предложений, которые соответствуют тексту.

  1. It's a carnival time.
  2. We have got funny costumes.
  3. The music is nice.
  4. The children can dance.
  5. The children can listen to the music.
  6. Yes, we are very happy.

Упражнение 3. Дополни предложения в соответствии с текстом.

  1. We are at …
  2. Kate is…
  3. Jack is…
  4. The children can…

Упражнение 4. Ответь на вопросы в соответствии с текстом.

  1. Are they at the party?
  2. Have they got funny costumes?
  3. Is Tom a parrot?
  4. Are the children happy?

Упражнение 5. Закончи рассказ (4 предложения).

It's a carnival time. We are at the party.


Тест по чтению для 3 класса.

Тема: Cafe, food

Прочитай текст и выполни задания к нему.

At the cafe

—           Hello!

—           Hi! Come in, please.

—           Thank you.

—           This is our menu. Have some soup.

—           No, thank you. I don't like soup.

—           Have some meat and potatoes, please.

—           Ok. Meat and potatoes.

—           And to drink?    

—           Have you got any juice?

—           We've got orange juice, apple juice, lemon juice and tomato juice.

—           Apple juice, piease.

Задания к тексту 3.

Упражнение 1. Подчеркни слова, которые есть в тексте.

Egg, cheese, juice, menu, soup, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes

Упражнение 2. Дополни предложения в соответствии с текстом.

Come in, …

This is our…

I don't …

Have you …?

We've got orange juice, apple juice, …

Упражнение 3. Выбери правильный перевод предложения.


  1. a) Здравствуйте! b) Доброе утро!

This is our menu.

а) Это меню.    b) Это наше меню.

No, thank you.

  1. a) Нет, спасибо. b) Нет, не надо.

We've got orange juice.

  1. a) У нас есть апельсины. b) У нас есть апельсиновый сок.

Apple juice, please.

  1. a) Яблочный сок, пожалуйста. b) Яблочный сок.

Упражнение 4. Поставь предложения в правильном порядке.

Have some soup.


Hi! Come in, please.

No, thank you. I don't like soup.

Meat and potatoes, please.

Упражнение 5. Напиши. Что ты любишь кушать? Что ты любишь пить? (используй 4 предложения)


Тест по чтению для 3 класса.

Тема: House and flat

Прочитай текст и выполни задания к нему.

This is Pam. She's got a house. It's big. She's got a sofa. It's red and blue. Pam has got two armchairs in her house. She's got a purple carpet. She's got a brown table and a brown bookcase. Her house is beautiful.

Задания к тексту 4.

Упражнение 1. Подбери к русским словам английские слова из текста.

  • диван
  • дом
  • ковер
  • книжный шкаф
  • стол

Упражнение 2. Дополни предложения в соответствии с текстом.

  1. Pam has got a big …
  2. Pam has got two armchairs…
  3. She's got a purple …
  4. She's got a brown …
  5. Her house is ...

Упражнение 3. Дай краткие ответы на вопросы.

  1. Is Pam's house big? —
  2. Has Pam got a sofa? —
  3. Has she got a chair? —
  4. Is Pam's house beautiful? —
  5. Has she got a bed? —

Упражнение 4. Ответь на вопросы.

  1. What has Pam got?  
  2. How many armchairs has she got? —
  3. What color is a carpet? —
  4. What color is a bookcase? —

Упражнение 5. Опиши свою комнату (используй 4 предложения).


№ 1             

Прочитай текст и выполни задание.

Little Mary.

   Little Mary is two, but she not little. She is big. She is not a girl, she is a baby elephant. She is from Africa, but now she is in Great Britain. She is in the zoo, but she is not OK. She loves Africa and she wants to be there with her family in Africa. She is very, very sad.

  Mary likes boys and girls. She can see many boys and girls at the zoo. They are not sad. They have got their mothers and fathers, they have got many friends. They run and jump and play. They see that Mary is sad and give her bananas. But Mary does not want bananas…

  One day, she sees a pilot.

-          Hello, pilot! Can you take me to Africa, pleas? I want to be with my family. I am very sad. I have no friends in the zoo.

-          But the brown bears love you and the yellow giraffes love you and the green crocodiles love you, dear Mary! Don’t be sad! Great Britain is very nice!

-          Oh, yes! But I am from Africa and I want to see my family! Pleas!

-          OK.

The pilot takes Mary back to Africa. Is Mary sad now? No, she’s not. She is in Africa. She is with her big elephant family. She likes to play with her brothers and sisters and her friends. She takes bananas and puts them into big boxes. Them the pilot takes them to Great Britain and gives them to all the sad animals in the zoo.


В каждом задании (1-5) обведи букву (a,или c), соответствующую выбранному тобой варианту ответа. Занеси ответы в таблицу.

  1. Little Mary is not …
  2. a) a girl.                            b) two.
  3. c) from Africa.

2) Little Mary wants …

  1. a) to be in the zoo.           b) to see her family.
  2. c) to have bananas.


3) Little Mary is in the zoo. She is …

  1. a) with her friends.           b) OK.
  2. c) very sad.


4) One day little Mary sees a … and he takes her …

  1. a) cosmonaut, to Africa    b) pilot, to the zoo
  2. c) pilot, to Africa

5) The … takes bananas to Great Britain.

  1. a) pilot                              b) little grey elephant
  2.   c)big elephant family

№ 2      

Прочитай предложения и составь из них рассказ по плану:

  1. Время года,
  2. Погода в это время года,
  3. Деятельность людей в это время года. 

Заполни таблицу:

a - In summer it is warm and hot.

b - Winter is cold and frosty.

c - Autumn comes after summer.

d - Children like spring weather.

e - There are four seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

f - Children can skate, sky, ply hockey and throw snowballs.

g - Then spring comes.

h - In autumn children go to school.

i - Children play all day long, swim in the river, go to the forest.

j - After spring comes summer.

k - In spring it is warm and foggy.

I - Autumn weather is usually cool.

№ 3           

Прочитай текст и выполни задание.

- Do you like this dress, Kate?

- Well, Ann, I like the style very much. It is a nice dress bat it is very short.

- And what do you think about this red dress?

- I think it is nice but I don’t like the color.

- What color do you like?

- My favorite color is green. Oh, look! What a beautiful summer dress!

- It is just for you! Will you buy it?

- Yes, I like it very much.

My Family, 5 КЛАСС

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

My name is Polly. I am ten. I am a schoolgirl. I go to school. I like learning English and playing puzzles. I would like to tell you about my family. It is neither big nor small. There are four of us.

I have got a mother. Her name is Jane. She is a teacher. She is very responsible and creative. She likes her work. Her hobbies are singing and shopping. My mother is fond of reading detective stories.

I have got a father. His name is Jack.  He is a doctor. He is clever and hardworking. My father likes playing golf. He goes in for sport to be healthy and strong. He is fond of fishing too.

My brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing toys. Usually we get on well with him, but sometimes he is very naughty.

On Saturdays and Sundays we like to be together. Last Sunday we went to the country. We had a good rest.


Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. Polly’s mother is a doctor.
  2. Polly has got a younger brother.
  3. Her brother Nick is a pupil.
  4. Polly is ten.
  5. There are five people in Polly’s family.
  6. Polly`s father is clever and hardworking..
  7. Last Sunday Polly’s family went to the Zoo.
  8. Last Sunday Polly’s family had a good rest.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. What does the girl like?
  2. What is Polly’s father fond of?
  3. What did they do last Sunday?


My Mother’s Birthday,5 КЛАСС

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

My name is Kate. My family is a typical Russian family. There are four of us. I have got a mother. Her name is Ann. She is a teacher. She is very kind. Her hobbies are singing and shopping. My mother is fond of reading detective stories.

My father`s name is Peter.  He is a driver. He is clever and sporty. My father is fond of fishing. My brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing with his toys.

We are a close and friendly family. We like to spend time and holidays together.

Tomorrow it will be my mother’s birthday. My brother and I will go shopping together with our father. We are going to buy our mum a birthday present. It will be a nice scarf. She would like to have a white one. And we shall buy flowers for her, too.

Tomorrow my brother and I will clean the flat. We won’t be lazy. Father will help us. Then we’ll make our kitchen clean and bright. Tomorrow we will lay the table. We would like our mother to be happy.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. There are five people in Kate’s family.
  2. Kate’s father is helpful.
  3. Tomorrow it will be Kate’s birthday.
  4. Kate will get a present tomorrow.
  5. Kate’s mother will get a red scarf for her birthday.
  6. Tomorrow Kate and her brother will clean the flat.
  7. Kate and her brother won’t be lazy tomorrow.
  8. Tomorrow the family will lay the table.

Task III: answer the following questions.

1.Whose birthday will the family celebrate tomorrow?

2.What present will mother get for her birthday?

  1. Do you think Kate’s family is friendly? Why?


The man and the monkeys.,5 КЛАСС

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

    One day a man who made caps went to the market to sell them. It was a long way to go. The man passed  by a long river. When he was in the forest, he decided to rest a little, as the day was very hot and he was very tired.

  The man saw a large tree. He decided to rest under it.

  As the sun was very hot, the man put on one of the caps on his head and put all the other caps on the ground under the tree. The man had lunch, then lay down and soon was asleep. When he woke up, he could not find the caps.

“Where are my caps?” he cried. He could not find them anywhere. 

    Suddenly he looked up. And what did he see? He saw many monkeys in the tree, and each monkey had the man’s cap on its head!

“Give me back my caps!” cried the man. But the monkeys could not understand the man. They laughed, jumped and played with the caps.

The man asked and asked the monkeys to give him back his caps, but the monkeys didn’t understand him. They only laughed.

The man got very much angry with the monkeys. He took off his cap, threw it on the ground and cried: “If you want my caps, you may take this one, too!”

And do you know what the monkeys did? They took off the caps and threw them on the ground!

That’s how the man got back all his caps.

Certainly, he was very glad. He quickly took all his caps and went away.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. One day a man went to the baker`s to sell caps.
  2. The man passed by a lake.
  3. The day was very hot and the man was tired.
  4. The man saw a large mountain.
  5. When the man woke up he didn`t find the caps.
  6. Each monkey had the cap on its head.
  7. The monkeys understood him well.
  8. The man went away without his caps.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. Where did the man put his caps?
  2. What did monkeys do with the caps?
  3. How did the man get his caps back?

The Bear in School, 5 класс


Task I: read & comprehend the following story.


One day a boy found a brown bear-cub in the forest. He was very little and looked like a puppy. The boy carried him home.

Every day the boy went to school. The bear-cub went with him and waited for the boy in the field.

At first the other boys were afraid of the bear-cub, but soon they became great friends. Many of them brought food to school and gave the bear-cub some bread and butter.

The bear-cub lived with the boy for a long time. But one day he went to the forest and did not come back. Everybody was very sorry for the bear-cub.

Many years passed. New schoolboys came to the old school. One very cold winter day the door opened, and a large brown bear walked into the classroom.  The boys were afraid. Some ran to the door, others jumped out of the window.

But the bear did not touch the pupils. He walked up to the fire and warmed himself. He felt quite at home. He was very glad to get into such a warm room. He sat by the fire, and then walked up to the table and ate some bread. Then the bear walked out of the house.

Some young men of the village came with their guns to kill the bear. They soon found him but did not kill him. They saw some marks on his skin and understood that the bear was the old friend of their schooldays. They let him go back into the forest.


Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. One day a boy found a tiger in the forest.
  2. The boy carried him to the Zoo.
  3. The bear-cub went with the boy to school and waited for him.
  4. At first the other boys were not afraid of the bear-cub.
  5. One day he went to the forest and did not come back.
  6. One warm spring day a large brown bear walked into the classroom.
  7. The bear did not touch the pupils.
  8. The young man found the bear and kill him.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. What did the boys do when they saw a big bear?
  2. What did the bear do in the room?
  3. Did the young man kill the bear? Why?


A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.


    First of all, I must tell you about myself. I am thirteen and I am in the third class at a Grammar school in Manchester

     What a terrible day! I woke up late and didn’t have time to eat my breakfast. I couldn’t find my books or my school cap. At last I found my books in the bathroom; and at last, I found my cap — my dog was playing with it! I was nearly late for school.

     The first lesson on Monday morning is maths. What a ter­rible way to start the week! Mr Green, the maths teacher, took our homework. He saw that my exercise - book was dirty. He was very angry and gave me a bad mark for it.

    Then he gave us some tasks to do. I sat next to Jane, who was  fat and not very pleasant — but very good at maths. I asked her to tell me the answers, but she didn`t want.

The next lesson was French. I like French. It’s nice to be able to talk to somebody in another language.

      At last, it was eleven o’clock: time for break. Nell gave me a piece of cake to eat with my milk. She also gave me her Latin homework to copy. I think she likes me and she’s a nice girl.

      After break, we had two lessons of  Latin! They are bad: I hate Latin!

 Mr Williams punished me for talking to Nell.


Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. Simon is fourteen.
  2. He goes to a Grammar school in London.
  3. He woke up late and didn’t eat his breakfast.
  4. The first lesson on Monday morning is maths.
  5. Jane is very good at French.
  6. Simon ate a piece of cake with milk.
  7. Nell gave him her English homework to copy.
  8. Simon hates Latin.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. What class is Simon in?
  2. Why was Mr Green angry?
  3. Why does Simon like French?

A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot


Task I: read & comprehend the following story.


      At 12: 30 pm was time for lunch. I was very hun­gry! I sat down at the table feeling very happy because the Latin lessons were over. And then I saw what was for lunch: meat pie, boiled potatoes and cabbage. I hate vegetables! But I ate a little, because I was so hungry.

      Then I went into the playground with my friends Pete Sharp and John Ford and we played football.

      After lunch we had a history lesson. I don’t usually like history, but I liked this lesson very much. We learned about the Battle of Hastings in 1066. We were on holiday in Hastings last summer. I said I would bring some photographs of our holiday to school the next week.

      At three o’clock it was time for my favourite lesson of the week: games. We played a very exciting game of football but it ended in a draw.

 After school at four o’clock, Pete and I bought some sweets and I went to his house to listen to music.

    Mum was angry because I didn’t arrive home till half past seven. She doesn`t like when I come home late. My supper was cold.

 I did my French homework but I didn’t do my history homework. There was an interesting programme on television.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. He had pancakes with caviar and cream for lunch.
  2. He hates vegetables.
  3. Simon liked a history lesson very much.
  4. He played football with Pete Sharp and John Ford.
  5. At two o’clock was his favourite lesson.
  6. They played a very exciting game of cricket.
  7. 7. Simon went to Pete`s house to play computer games.
  8. He did his math homework.

       Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. What is Simon`s favourite lesson?
  2. Why was Simon`s mum angry?
  3. Did he do his history homework? Why?

Тексты с заданиями для чтения 

по английскому языку (6 класс)


The giraffe.

The giraffe is the tallest animal. His head is about five meters above the ground. It has its good and bad sides. The giraffe can eat leaves from high trees because he has a long neck and a strong tongue. But it’s difficult for the giraffe to eat the grass. When the giraffe drinks water, lions and leopards often hide in the tall grass ready to catch him. It is very bad for the giraffe, because he can’t raise his head quickly and run away.  The giraffe can live for months without water.      

He gets most of the water from what he eats. Also, because his heads is so far from the ground, a giraffe can see danger and can quickly walk away or run away.


1) The giraffe is the strongest animal.

  1.       a) true             b) false             c) not stated

2) He has a long neck.

  1.       a) true             b) false             c) not stated

3) The giraffe eats only grass.

  1.      a) true             b) false             c) not stated

4) The giraffe can run fast.

  1.       a) true             b) false             c) not stated

5) He can’t raise his head fast.

  1.       a) true             b) false             c) not stated

6) The giraffe can’t live without water for a long time.

  1.      a) true             b) false             c) not stated

7) He can see danger because he has a long neck.

  1.      a) true             b) false             c) not stated



                                          A story about a parrot,6 класс

Once there lived a man who had a parrot. The man tried to teach the parrot to speak. But the parrot could learn only the phrase, “There is no doubt about it.” (в этом нет сомнения). The parrot always said these words and always gave the same answer. “There is no doubt about it”.

At last the man decided to sell (продавать; sold = V 2) the parrot. He went to the street and began to cry, “Twenty dollars for a very clever parrot!”

One woman heard this. She came up to the parrot and asked, “ Are you worth twenty dollars?” The parrot answered, “There is no doubt about it”.

“What a clever parrot”, she said and bought the bird.

After some days the woman couldn’t listen to the parrot any more. She said, “What a fool I was to buy this parrot and throw away so much money.Twenty dollars!”

Then the parrot cried, “There is no doubt about it”.

This time the parrot was right. 

True, false or not stated:

  1. The parrot learned a lot of words.  
  2. a) true             b) false         c) not stated                                                          
  3. The man liked his clever bird so much that he decided not to sell it.
  4.       a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                          
  5. The woman thought that the parrot was very clever.  
  6.       a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                                                
  7. The parrot said the same words.
  8.        a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                          
  9. The woman sold the parrot.                                                                          
  10.        a) true             b) false            c) not stated                                                            


The King and the Painter,  6 класс        There was a king who thought he could paint very well. His pictures were very bad but the people to whom he showed them were afraid to tell him the truth. They all said that his pictures were wonderful and they liked them very much.       One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his country and said, "I'd like to know what you think of my pictures. Do you like them?"        The painter looked at the king's pictures and said, "My king, I believe that your pictures are bad and you will never be a good artist."       The king got very angry and sent the painter to prison. Two years passed and the king wanted to see the painter again.      "I was angry with you," he said, "because you didn't like my pictures. Now you are a free man again and I am your friend." The king talked with the painter and invited him for dinner. The dinner was wonderful. And they enjoyed it very much.       After dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter again and asked, "Well, how do you like them now?" The painter turned to a soldier who was standing behind him and said, "Take me back to prison."      I.  Was the King a good painter?                1.Yes, people liked his pictures very much.

            2.No, his pictures were bad.            3.He didn't paint pictures at all.

     II.Why were people afraid to tell the King the truth about his pictures?                            1.Because they were afraid of him.

            2.Because they enjoyed the dinner.            3.Because the King could paint very well.

     III.Did the painter like the King's pictures?             1.Yes, he liked them very much.

             2.No, he said that the King was a bad artist.

             3.The King didn't show the pictures to the painter.

      IV.What happened to the great painter who told the King the truth?

              1.The king invited him for dinner.              2.The king sent him to prison.               3.The king talked with the painter.

       V.Why did the painter asked the soldier to take him back to prison?                  1.Because he didn't like the king's pictures.              2.Because he enjoyed the dinner.              3.Because he liked to be in prison. 


Reading test для 8 класса. School in the Slums

  • Slums – трущобы
  • Locks – замки
  • Guards — охранники
  • Permission — разрешение

Mellish school is in the slums of Brooklyn for pupils between twelve and fifteen years of age. There are about 1500 pupils there, and 90 teachers.

It’s a problem school, perhaps one of the most difficult schools in America. The white teachers can’t walk to the school because they may be attacked. They all drive to school, and their cars have special locks. There’s always a black policeman at the door of the school. He has a radio contact with the school guards. Pupils must have a written permission from the teacher if they want to go to the toilet. There’s a guard outside the washroom. Only one child can go into the washroom at a time, and he can’t stay there long.

The children who live in that district go to that school. They are all black children. However, why do the teachers work there?

“It’s very hard of course,” says Jane Flinch, a forty- five-year-old teacher. Most children have problems at home. Some of them are beaten by their parents. Some of them sleep at the lessons because they had to work at night. Some of the children get sick at the lessons because they didn’t have breakfast or even a meal for a day or two.

It’s the love of the job that keeps the teachers in that school. They teach and do social work. They feel that they are doing something good for the children who need help.

“There’s also the problem of violence,” says one of the teachers. “Sometimes when I go into a class, I can feel that some of the children are like a dynamite. However, I feel quite safe. I am sure that other pupils will help me.” There is very little money for teaching in that school. There is no money to buy food for the children.

The principal of the school has been there for many years. A lot of his happy optimism has gone. “No, I’m not optimistic about the future. Look around you,” he says and points out of the window at the high wall round the school. ”It’s not a very bright sight: buildings have holes instead of the windows, shops are closed, groups of people are sitting on the steps of the houses. They have nowhere to go and nothing to do.”

“We need money,” he says, “money is the only way to help this school and these people, and, of course, jobs for the people.”

Задания к тексту.

Exercise 1. Подберите правильный ответ.

Mellish school is for

  1. a) small children.
  2. b) older children.
  3. c) small and older children.

The white teachers can’t walk to school because

  1. a) they live far from the school.
  2. b) they don’t like to walk.
  3. c) it’s dangerous for them.

There’s a policeman

  1. a) at the door of the school.
  2. b) near the toilet.
  3. c) outside the washroom.

The white teachers work there because

  1. a) they can’t find a better job.
  2. b) they love their job.
  3. c) they get a lot of money there.

The school needs

  1. a) more money
  2. b) more teachers.
  3. c) more policemen.

Exercise 2.  Say if the statements are true, false or not mentioned.

  1. Mellish school is in the slumsof Mexico.
  2. Most children have problems at home.
  3. Mellish a problem school.
  4. The principal of the school has 5 children in his family.
  5. The school needs money.
  6. It’s good salary that keeps the teachers in that school.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

  1. Where is Mellish school situated?
  2. How many pupils are there in the school?
  3. Is it hard or easy for the teachers to work in this school?
  4. Why do some of the pupils sleep during the lessons?
  5. Is the principal optimistic?

Exercise 4. Заполните пропуски одним подходящим по смыслу словом.

  1. Mellish school is one of the most difficult schools in ___________.
  2. The ___________ teachers can’t walk to the school because they may be attacked.
  3. Pupils must have a written permissionfrom the teacher if they want to go to the ___________.
  4. The teachers teach and do __________ work.

Exercise 5. Write about the problems of Mellish school.


Тест по чтению по английскому языку

8 класс

The Olympic Champion Alexandr Medved Gives Advice

A wrestler must have many qualities to beat his rivals. He must be strong and very quick. Then he needs enough strength to tear the rival from the mat and throw him on the floor.

I will tell you about myself. I grew up tall and thin with no great strength in my arms. Wrestling came into my life when I was 18. I was 188 cm tall and weighed 85 kg and could not compete with my rivals in strength.

Then I decided to build up my muscles. I developed a system of exercises, which helped me to become stronger. I spent much time weight lifting. I lifted a bar equal to my own weight, which is up to 100 kg. However, that happened after two years of regular exercising. At first, the weight was only 30-40 kg. In general, I advise to choose the weight, which is twice as small as your own.

Push-ups were also of great help to me. At first, I could push up only 3 or 4 times, so weak were my arms! Then 30 times. Interesting enough, if you strengthen your legs, you feel as if your body has become much lighter. It is a very useful exercise. I also worked with dumb-bells and weights and threw heavy stones into air. You must combine muscle-building exercises with long distance running. It is a good relaxation for the arms and back muscles.

I was considered the strongest heavyweight wrestler in the world. However, I have never been the biggest among my rivals. I weighed a little over 100 kg but defeated even those who weighed 120, 150 and 180 kg like the American Chris Taylor whom I threw on the floor at the 1972 Olympics. If you are strong, you do not fear any rivals! My advice to you is if you want to be strong, take up physical exercises at once.

Задания к тексту.

Exercise 1. Choose the right answer.

The sportsman is

  1. A boxer b) a wrestler,   c) a runner

He began to do sports when he was

  1. b) 17.    c)  18.

If you strengthen your legs, you feel as if your body has become

  1. a) much lighter b) heavier c) smaller

Long distance running is a good relaxation for

  1. Your mind b) the arms and back muscles c) the leg muscles

Exercise 2. Say if the statements are true or false.

  1. Alexandr Medved grew up tall and thin with no great strength in his arms.
  2. When he was 18, he could easily compete with his rivals in strength.
  3. At first, he lifted a bar equal to only 30-40 kg.
  4. After a year of regular exercising, he lifted a bar equal to 100 kg.
  5. Push-ups were not of great help to him.


Exercise 3. Insert the words, according to the text.

  1. A wrestler must have many qualities to __________ his rivals.
  2. ____________came into my life when I was 18.
  3. Then I decided to build up my ___________.
  4. At first, I could push up only 3 or 4 times, so weak were my ___________
  5. I weighed a little over 100 kg but ______________ even those who weighed 120, 150 and 180 kg

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

  1. What qualities must a wrestler have to beat his rivals?
  2. What advice does A. Medved give about choosing the weight for the weight lifting exercises?
  3. How can a person become strong?

Exercise 5. Write about your favorite sportsperson.










Викторина "Do you know English?"

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 5 класса

«Знаешь ли ты английский язык?»

“Do you know English well?”

Цель: повысить интерес учащихся к изучению иностранного языка и стране изучаемого языка.

Расширение лексического запаса учащихся;
Расширение лингвистического кругозора и эрудиции учащихся;

Ознакомление с идиомами сравнения в английском языке.
Активизация и закрепление лексики по темам: School, Professions;
Выявление уровня знаний, умений и навыков по пройденным темам;
Повторение грамматического материала по темaм: Present Simple, Present Continuous;
Развитие языковой догадки, внимания и логического мышления;
Воспитание умения работать в команде;
Воспитание чувства взаимопомощи;
Воспитание уважительного отношения к соперникам;
Воспитание культуры общения.
шарики, карточки с заданиями, интерактивная доска, карточки для конкурсов “Lazy Sentences”,“Captains’, “Actors”, музыкальное сопровождение, оценочный лист, классная доска, мел, грамоты и дипломы.
Кауфман К.И, Кауфман И.Ю. Happy
Биболетова М. З., Трубанева Н. Н. Enjoy English 3 книга для ученика;
Трофимова М. А. Внеклассные мероприятия по английскому языку для учащихся 5-8 классов;
Клементьева Т. Б. Happy English;

Ход мероприятия:
I.Организационный момент.
- Good afternoon, children! Today we have a game lesson “Do you know English well?” Let’s see who the best in English is.

Do you like English?

Do you know many English words?

Let me introduce our teams, the team “Bears” and the team “Rabbits”. The captain of the team “Bears” is Anya. The captain of the team “Rabbits” is Olya. Masha and Misha are judges.Contest 1. “Introduction”

Dear captains, introduce yourself and the members of your teams.

Капитаны команд представляют себя и членов своих команд, рассказывают об их увлечениях и интересах по схеме:




Favourite school subjects




T: Well done.

Contest 2 “My dear school”
-Your task is to name as much things connected with school as possible.
The difficulty is that you shouldn’t repeat one and the same word two times.
-Ready, steady, go!!!
(Нужно перечислить слова (существительные), связанные с темой Школа).
Contest 3 ”Lazy Sentences”
-Let us do one more task. Now we will give you some cards with 5 sentences. But be careful! The words in the cards are put into wrong positions. You are to correct the mistakes. Start doing the task. You are given 2 minutes.
(Нужно записать предложения, расставляя слова в правильном порядке).
-Cooking, is, she, now ___________________________________________
-Football, Peter, is, at the moment, playing ____________________________________
-My, is, mother, TV, watching ____________________________________
-Alice, homework, doing, is, her ___________________________________
-Are, what, doing, you? __________________________________________
Contest 4 “Who is quicker?”

The next contest is “Who is quicker?” Your task is to guess the word quicker than others. Ready, steady, go!!!
1. The first day of the week…

2. The colour of the sun…

3. You drink this when you are thirsty…

4. Move quickly…

5.The month that follows October…

6. A bright colour…

7. A domestic animal…

8. You grow flowers in a…

9. Eight plus one is…

10. A very big animal…

11. A spring red flower…

12. Boys and girls at school are…

(Answers: Sunday, yellow, water, run, November, red, dog, garden, nine, elephant, tulip, pupils.)Contest 5. “Captains’ contest”.

Dear captains, this contest is for you. You know a lot of words, you can read and write. And what about grammar? Correct the mistakes. (Капитанам команд даются карточки, в которых они исправляют ошибки. В это время проводится следующий конкурс.)Correct the mistakes

My brother like fruit pie.

Does you eat a lot of bread?

They do not drink hot milk.

Does your mother reads books?

British people likes tea?

Does you like chocolate? – Yes, I like.

My friends doesn’t like meat. They eats only vegetables.

John likes fish and carrots but he doesn’t like onion.Contest 6. “Professions”.

While the captains are doing their tasks match the professions of people and the places where they work.


Places of work

The right answers


A housewife

A farm

A house


A librarian

A hospital

A library


A teacher

A theatre

A school


A doctor

A canteen

A hospital


A computer programmer

A factory

An office


A driver

A school

A car


An actor

A house

A theatre


A farmer

A library

A farm


An engineer

A car

A factory


A cook

An office

A canteen

Contest 7 “Who is the best interpreter?”

You had the homework to prepare the text for the contest “Interpreters”. Now let’s listen to you and the other team will try to translate it. Who is the best interpreter?

Text 1

This is a brown bear. It is an English bear. Its name is Winnie-the Pooh. It is little and fat. The bear likes honey and jam. This bear is very good and funny.

Text 2

This is a girl. Her name is Little Red Riding Hood. She has got a mother and a grandmother. Now her Granny is ill. The girl has got flowers and a yellow bag in her hands. She is a nice girl.

Contest 8. “English Idioms”

I think this contest is the most difficult. You should form English idioms of comparison. You should complete each of them with a suitable word or words. Choose from the following: chalk from cheese, a bee, a goose, a bat, coal, gold, two peas, a king, a feather, a church mouse.

I’m sure you will do it.


The right answer

As like as…

Two peas

As black as… coal

As light as… a feather

As blind as…a bat

As different as… chalk from cheese

As happy as… a king

As busy as…a bee

As poor as…a church mouse

As silly as…a goose

As good as…gold

Contest 9. “Actors”

The last contest is “Actors.” Take these cards where you can read the beginning of jokes, find the second parts of them and act.

1 Team


- I’d like some crocodile shoes, please.

- Certainly, madam. What size does your crocodile take?


- Doctor, doctor! What shall I do? My son’s just swallowed a pen.

- Use a pencil until I get there.


Why do birds fly south?

- Because it’s too far to walk.

2 Team


- The Police are looking for a man with one eye called Jones.

- Oh, yes? What’s his other eye called?


- Doctor, when I drink a cup of tea, I get a sharp pain in my eye.

- Well, take the spoon out first.


-Waiter, will the pancakes be long?

- No, sir, round.

Thank you for the game. In some minutes our judges will say which team is the best one.

Today the winner is the team…

Thanks to our jury for their work. Good bye!

Оценочный лист

Название конкурса




Contest 1. “Introduction”

( the maximum points – 5)


Contest 2 “My dear school”

( the maximum points – 5)


Contest 3 ”Lazy Sentences”

( the maximum points – 5)


Contest 4 “Who is quicker?”

( the maximum points – 12)


Contest 5. “Captains’ contest”.

( the maximum points – 8)


Contest 6. “Professions”.

( the maximum points – 10)


Contest 7 “Who is the best interpreter?”

( the maximum points – 5)


Contest 8. “English Idioms”

( the maximum points – 10)


Contest 9. “Actors”

( the maximum points – 6)















Нормативно правовые документы

Инструктивно-методические письма

ІНСТРУКТЫЎНА-МЕТАДЫЧНАЕ ПІСЬМО МІНІСТЭРСТВА АДУКАЦЫІ РЭСПУБЛІКІ БЕЛАРУСЬ «Аб арганізацыі ў 2023/2024 навучальным годзе адукацыйнага працэсу пры вывучэнні вучэбных прадметаў і правядзенні факультатыўных заняткаў пры рэалізацыі адукацыйных праграм агульнай сярэдняй адукацыі» (агульная частка)


Вучэбныя праграмы

Нормы оценки результатов учебной деятельности учащихся

Учебные программы факультативных занятий

Рекомендации по организации образовательного процесса по учебному предмету

Учебно-методическое обеспечение образовательного процесса по учебному предмету
